Thursday, May 28, 2015

My Maple Syrup Post

"The beauty of murder is wonderful. It really is a form of art. I am the Picasso of killing. The Van Gogh of manslaughter. The Michelangelo of bloodshed. My artwork is framed in bright yellow tape and photographed by professionals. You can read about my artwork in the paper. The only difference between what I do and what others who are considered real artist is that I remain nameless. My genius is overlooked by many and I can easily hide in the shadows."

In honor of the dreaded junior year coming to an end, I would like to do some reflecting. Sorry but this may be sappier than a maple tree. I want everyone to understand what a huge impact this project has had on my life.

This school year has made me a better me. Yes, junior year and the stress that comes with it. Props to you if you had a completely stress free junior year. But this year has made me a stronger person. I have been a lot happier and I am just taking every moment as it comes. In a year, I will be graduating and as much as I hate to admit it, I am going to miss all the small things about high school.

This project has allowed me to channel a more peaceful version of myself. I have learned the true meaning of patience. I really realized that writing a book is quite the process and I really need to give people who write books for a living more credit. It is a tough job.

A special thanks goes out to everyone who made this project possible. Thanks to Mrs. Hechlik, my wonderful English teacher, for introducing this project and letting us take time for ourselves even though junior year English has a lot of things that we need to get done. Also, I would like to thank my mentor, John Colbert. He was a great help for me. Lastly, I want to thank everyone who read my blog and supported me in everything I wrote about.

Hey I look forward to everyone one day holding my book in their hands. But until then, stay tuned to my blog!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

RIP Graded Blogs

"'The funny thing was, I still wanted to kill. Killing has been the only thing that has made me feel alive. When I am not killing, I am a lifeless form with no purpose. So I created my own code of what was right and what was wrong. My own rules on who deserves life and who does not. I do not kill for fun; I kill for a purpose. And I hope that you can one day understand this too.'

So many thoughts whirled through my head. I wanted to hear more. I wanted to know this guy and learn his reasons and his rules. The way he spoke intrigued me. He spoke of something so bad like it was a hobby; killing to him was nothing more than a form of art. I didn’t hate this guy, like I should have. Something was different about this guy, but I just couldn’t put my hand on it."


So, don't get all teary-eyed on me but this is my last required blog post. Now before you go and have a mental breakdown (because what would you do without my blog???), know that just because this project in class has ended does not mean I am done. I plan to keep it going until the end of time (or until I realize no one is reading this anymore).

I am excited to say that the school year is almost over. End of the year means summer and summer means more time to write. Nothing against school, I know school has its purpose, but I need my life back. School has drained me of all my creativeness and my will to do work outside of homework. I'm chugging along with my book but I think it will pick up once the summer starts.

Having said that, I don't want my beloved fans to think I am not writing. I still am, just little chunks at a time. The process of writing a book, unfortunately, does not take five minutes. Maybe in ten years you'll be reading my blog and I will finally be done. Either way, this whole thing has brought me more joy than I can even explain and I am happy I chose to write a book.

Stay in touch.

Friday, May 8, 2015

The Sahara Desert of Blogs

"It is not hard to convince people to do what you want. You just have to let them believe they are doing it for themselves. You also have to convince them that you are who they want you to be. Every person wears a mask of what they want people to see them as. Some people know how to wear a successful mask and get what they want. Like me. I wear a mask of someone who lies, someone who can get girls in my car. You just can’t think of how they feel when they see your mask. Think of yourself and how you want to be seen. That’s how you convince them. You convince yourself first."


While, it has been quite some time since my last blog and I apologize for that. I know you were all sitting on the edge of your seats waiting for my next post. But wait no more, because I am here. 

The 20-Time Project Fair was amazing! So many people came up and asked me about what I was doing and why I was doing it. It was extremely satisfying to be able to talk to people, face-to-face, about what I am doing. Although I wanted to cry the entire time because public speaking is not my thing, I found myself enjoying it a little more with every person I spoke to. This was because I was talking about something that I am so passionate about. 

I think that I am going to put up a new poll soon, but the winner is Maribel, so that will be Clay's next victim. Thanks to everyone who did vote. I will try to make another one soon, possibly something to do with another character name. 

I'm sorry for this blog post. It is possibly the driest thing I have ever written. But spring will be spring and it will always be the busiest season of all. I don't want this to change your mind about my book though. I only write when my creative juices are flowing and I refuse to write when my thoughts are in a different world. It is the only way to create a worth-while book. 

Thanks for bearing with me through this desert of a blog, and stay tuned for some better ones!