Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Cringe-Worthy Writing

"Sebastian. Apparently they called him Seb. That’s something they do. They give each other nicknames. Mine had been given to me by The Others. Clay, because my victims look as elegant as clay sculptures when I’m done. I didn't argue. I remember, my favorite had been Jane Smith. She wore a beautiful white dress and a bow in her hair. I had posed her limp body in a way that made her appear to be dancing. I had soaked that pretty white dress in her blood and when she wore it, she looked as though she had gracefully twirled out of Hell. A true masterpiece. She had such dancers fingers, I had to take the pinkies." 

WARNING: You have now entered the dark realm of my blog. Content is not suitable for those who lack an open mind. Not to be read by those who have a weak stomach and a disrespect for the genius of horror.

To those who have just joined the journey, welcome. To those who have been fans from day 1, you are the real MVPs. To those I've forced to read my blog, sorry but it's for your own good. My goal is to write something that is good enough to be considered a book. Getting my writing published would be amazing but is not the reason I am doing this. I am writing because it makes me happy and is something I would choose to spend all my time doing.

I am writing a book about blood. I am writing a book about guts. I am writing a book about gore. Not exactly everyones first choice, but it is for me. Yes I do realize that murder and death are not things that should make someone excited. But I want to be able to write something that will make people uncomfortable. I want to make people squirm and get shivers down their back. I want to write something that will mess with peoples emotions. That's what I want my writing to be.

I originally began wanting to write after I read the book Game by Barry Lyga. Now if you actually look this book up, you'll notice that it's the second book in the series. Why didn't the first book inspire me to want to write? Well, my friends, I read the second book first, not realizing there was a whole book ahead of it until the last few pages. I quickly read through the first book after that, but the second book still stuck with me. That feeling of wanting to write a gore-filled book stayed with me for two years until I was given the opportunity through this project.

Telling myself I need to write every week was not the easiest thing to do. I've always been one of those leave-it-until-the-night-before kind of people. But through this project, I have found something that I am driven to work on. I did not choose a topic that I thought would be easy. It is not easy to be a junior in high school and write a book. No, I chose it because it is something that I was motivated to work on. I love writing enough to make time for it. If that means one less Netflix movie, so be it. I am determined that this project, whether I publish a book or not, will have a positive impact and I will not regret it.

I hope that one day, you all read a book that makes you cringe. A book that cuts you deep and makes you incredibly uneasy. And I hope that book will be mine.


  1. This excerpt adds a new dimension to what I thought the book was. Who are the others? Are they serial murderer trainers that taught Clay everything? Or are they what Clay calls the police. Or just everyone else. I like how you don't hold anything back in the description. You unapologetically state your writing stuff that makes people uncomfortable.

  2. Emma, I love that you are unapologetic about the tone and contents of your book! I think that it's really cool that you're willing to share your writing and thoughts with everyone, and I'm really glad that you have because what I have read so far has been amazing! Im looking forward to reading more, and seeing where your writing takes you. Also, your project fair set-up was pretty sweet, especially the outline of the body!

  3. Love, love, love. Total smiley face!
