Thursday, March 12, 2015

I'm a Night Person

"The thing that struck me as odd was the smile. Not the teeth, tinted and chipped. Not the lips, thin and chapped. Surely not the dimples, one bigger than the other in a cute quirky way. No, it was the authenticity. When he smiled, everything felt real. The world became sharp and crisp. For a second, I felt safe. Then, as if my quick comfort had reminded him, the smile shifted into a smirk. His lips slowly curled up, bringing wrinkles to his face that gave him a panicked look. His eyes were strong. They grasped every movement with swift motions. If his eyes hadn’t been so determined, I would have thought he wasn’t going to hurt me. His hands were moist as they ran through my hair, stopping only temporarily to see how I would react. I’m not sure he got what he wanted. You see, I really didn’t know how I should react."

Okay, I have decided to start each of my blog posts with something I have written in my book. This is the first paragraph in my entire book. I am not sure if this is how I should start it off, but I decided to show you guys what the first thing I wrote was.

I would like to address a few things that I may have been pretty unclear about. I am writing a horror book. Murder, scandal, and a sickening amount of blood and guts; everything that intrigues me. I apologize if you are one of those people who enjoys sappy romance novels, because you have come to the wrong blog. There is no point in lying to you, so I am warning you now that my grim taste is not for everyone. 

I would love to think of myself as the next Stephen King, but I also realize that no one can be as cleverly gruesome as the King of Horror himself (pun intended). I do admit that my obsession with horror movies may have gone too far when I realized that I had watched almost all the movies under the category of horror on Netflix. Fortunately Netflix, mixed with the genius of King, have inspired me to write rather than try to make a horror film (which would epically fail). 

So far, my writing has been going quite smoothly. I don't seem to be having any issues, which is a miracle for me. I have been able to write 12 pages (in a document, not in book sized pages; yes, there is a difference). I plan to spend most of my class time just writing as much as I possibly can, as well as writing in my free time out of school. I am not sure how long I intend to make my book so setting a limit at this point would make no sense. I am going to play it by ear and you guys will know almost as soon as I do when I finish my book. 

Have a gore-tastic day!


  1. Emma, you truly are an amazing writer! Reading this gave me the perfect image of what you were describing. I cannot wait to read more like this, it is a perfect attention getting way to start your book! Good job and keep it up. :)

  2. Wow! Gore-tastic for sure. I love it! Thanks for the details. I can't wait to read more.

  3. Emma, I loved the beginning of this blog and your book. In my opinion, it does a great job of setting the tone for the rest of your story. Very creepy indeed. I'm also a big fan of Stephen King and the horror genre so I'm excited to continue seeing your progress and reading your posts.

  4. Is that guy a good guy or bad! I can't tell... Probably bad... I want to read the book
