Thursday, May 21, 2015

RIP Graded Blogs

"'The funny thing was, I still wanted to kill. Killing has been the only thing that has made me feel alive. When I am not killing, I am a lifeless form with no purpose. So I created my own code of what was right and what was wrong. My own rules on who deserves life and who does not. I do not kill for fun; I kill for a purpose. And I hope that you can one day understand this too.'

So many thoughts whirled through my head. I wanted to hear more. I wanted to know this guy and learn his reasons and his rules. The way he spoke intrigued me. He spoke of something so bad like it was a hobby; killing to him was nothing more than a form of art. I didn’t hate this guy, like I should have. Something was different about this guy, but I just couldn’t put my hand on it."


So, don't get all teary-eyed on me but this is my last required blog post. Now before you go and have a mental breakdown (because what would you do without my blog???), know that just because this project in class has ended does not mean I am done. I plan to keep it going until the end of time (or until I realize no one is reading this anymore).

I am excited to say that the school year is almost over. End of the year means summer and summer means more time to write. Nothing against school, I know school has its purpose, but I need my life back. School has drained me of all my creativeness and my will to do work outside of homework. I'm chugging along with my book but I think it will pick up once the summer starts.

Having said that, I don't want my beloved fans to think I am not writing. I still am, just little chunks at a time. The process of writing a book, unfortunately, does not take five minutes. Maybe in ten years you'll be reading my blog and I will finally be done. Either way, this whole thing has brought me more joy than I can even explain and I am happy I chose to write a book.

Stay in touch.


  1. I hope these blogs come regularly. I don't know what I'd do with my life without this. I especially like your title. It's very clever

  2. You simply have to share your written work with me as it continues. I wish you would share it with the world.

  3. I think we're all feeling a little drained after this year! Even though you didn't finish writing your book, I've still enjoyed following your progress and I know when you do finish it will be awesome!

  4. I think we're all feeling a little drained after this year! Even though you didn't finish writing your book, I've still enjoyed following your progress and I know when you do finish it will be awesome!
